Tuesday, 8 November 2005

A week in politics....

Wow! Travel has stopped me from posting this week but what a week it's been.

South of the border:

How is Blair going to push through the 90 day legislation? He normally manages it but here's hoping not this time . And think of the serious ramifications it could have at this stage of his premiership. Now there's a thought!

North of the border:

Good riddance to Monteith - complaining that everyone else was up to their necks in it to. Of course he's just whining as he got caught.

Now that we have a proper and good Scottish Chairman (with a backbone) the proper action has been taken. Monteith needs to be booted out the party - such insubordination can not be tolerated in such a small group.

Good Luck to Annabel Goldie: read her funny and quite apt cowboys and indians parallel here.

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